If it quacks like a duck....
Another guest writer this time with a story of her week in China for as a Professional Learning Leader and curriculum developer: A week...

A job is in the wind......
Hello there again! Twice in one week, is that what a blogger does? I'm really trying to get my head around how often I have to do...

Sighman's Story
Hello all! My good friend Sighman has written a story about his experiences as an expat teacher! Sighman's Story: The problems with...

What's in a job fair?
Dear All, It's that time of year again....it's here! It's real! The jobs are coming out for either half year for Northern Hemisphere and...

For those returning home.....
For those preparing to leave their current expat position and head home, be mindful that there will be a time that you feel special,...

Why I love Hong Kong and boxlife!
Dear All, My blog is about giving you information and may be read as negative at times. They are not meant to be, they are meant to be...

This is your homework......
Dear All, A quick message to let you know that you have homework! You are now getting many emails from recruitment agencies that you...

The Package
Dear all, To look for a an overseas posting is to look sometimes for that perfect place. Must have List: Job that suits your experience...
Expats in China news article....must read!

The dream vs The reality
When thinking about where you want to go there are so many things to think of! If you had a magic wand you could go to the beach to surf...