The dream vs The reality

When thinking about where you want to go there are so many things to think of!
If you had a magic wand you could go to the beach to surf or the alps to ski or even that place that you always wanted to live in because you loved holidaying there.
However think reality:
Do you have commitments back at home that you need a level of income to accommodate?
Is it a place for a single person to go to.....that's an entire blog in itself!
Do you have a family to support as well?
Is your spouse able to get a working visa as well?
Do you want to go to a country with laws and customs that are very different to your own and do you think you could cope?
What is the cost of living in that country and could the salary cover it and your commitments at home?
First things first, do some homework about
*Can I live and pay what I need to at home?
*The cost of living, the laws and what is the level of education that your child(ren) will receive if you have them and bring them along
*Will my personality suit this place (a lesson learnt hard by this girl)?
*If you have a partner check to see if you must legally be married and if they come along are they able to get a working visa ( life can get tedious for partners who have nothing to do)
*Will there even be jobs where you want to go?
*Many, many more homework points to make......send questions if you want
My advice: job first, country second. You can always get a job near the country you want to go to visit often. The money and life could be much better for you and your family (or just you if you are single!).
I'm going to say this often, if you want to know about a country and what you can expect ask me about it, if I don't know I can put you in touch with someone who does!