The Package

Dear all,
To look for a an overseas posting is to look sometimes for that perfect place.
Must have List:
Job that suits your experience
Decent Package
Decent Package
Accessible to international airport - easy to get home (just in case)
Decent Package
That 'stairway to positive change' is to be considered as a time to make some compromises.
As I said in the last blog, the 'dream' may not be the reality. You need to find a job that will have a salary package that includes and will sustain your living away from home.
This blog is about the 'package' that you are offered when you are actually offered the job.
Remember to think of three important things:
1. Will it cover your debts at home (if you have them) and can you live on this when you are in the new country?
2. Will it include housing, utilities, medical insurance, air tickets, tax requirements.........
3. A fair and easy to read contract that is clear with finances
So why talk about the package before I blog about the job hunting process? This is because you have to be prepared for some surprises from schools that will be interested in your CV and whether or not you will be interested in their salary package,
If you are not told before the process begins and a school does not outline it's package before you apply, still apply but be aware that even if you are offered a job and the package will not sustain can say no to it.
Some schools do not put up their packages because they know they will enough applicants because of reputation or location so my advice of 'being wary' does not apply to all job advertisements.
Apply for all that interest you regardless, there may be a surprise in the package that you may not have thought of. The salary may be offset with a generous housing allowance, school tuition for your children, airline tickets etc that may make up for the lower salary. Where you live may have a lost cost of living and it does compare well to your home salary, travel and savings can be done.
Lesson: Plan financially before you begin this journey and sort out your needs at home before you head off!
From an Admin's point of view.....there is nothing worse than appointing people who take the job and then realise that they can't live off the package and either pull out at the 11th hour or turn up and leave before the end of the contract because they cannot afford it! Goes both ways!
Organised people are successful people.
Hope this helps,