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What's in a job fair?

Dear All,

It's that time of year's here! It's real! The jobs are coming out for either half year for Northern Hemisphere and game on for the August '17 start!

If you are on the email list for recruiters, sit and read them all! Beware that if you apply to a school through one recruiter or apply straight to the school, other recruiters will not touch you for that school (from personal experience). Basically, they wont get a kick back if they didn't put your name in the ring and wont lift a finger to assist you. Be careful how you apply and with whom.

A little story of woe from moi.............I paid for a return air ticket from Melbourne to Sydney, paid the train fare into the city, got to the hotel for the interview, was the last interviewee for the day and as I was being interviewed, the interviewers were packing up and were actually not interested in the process anymore. Be strategic when you attend interviews, I really wanted this school and this job, however I learnt a big lesson about the amount of effort you put in as an applicant.

Job fairs are worth it, you have many schools in the one spot and you can speak to all to get further information and show interest. Again from an Admin point of view, they make the effort to go because they want to get those who really want to be in an international setting. If you are near one, can get to one, just do it. Make a weekend of it if you have to travel! You can speak to the Principals/Directors/Head Honchos and get a better feeling about the school.

Also, from the pessimist point of view, if you think they are a wanker, sound like a wanker and act like a wanker......odds are they are a wanker. Job fairs are a good place to meet those in charge and get an idea of what they are like. (Wanker: Aussie term for someone who you don't think is credible....)

I wont promote sites etc on here, however look for international school reviewing sites, they are an indication of what schools are like. However, be careful that some of these sites love drama and it's really only those who are that unhappy with their schools that write on them. One that I'm with I've only written great reviews for schools (disclaimer: one very 'bad' one but ended up in wishing the school well....oh yes, I'm hard.....not).



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