Long ago in a land far, far away..........

Dear all,
First of all I have to say that I started the whole expat thing before social media.
Does anyone remember this?
I went to London in Jan 1995, before email was even out of offices and in the general community.
I remember the post person........PC here, but it was a man and he and we became good friends.
He would say to me if he saw me, another one Aussie girl! All in that house in Hanwell, London that I first moved to from Dimboola, Australia. God I missed home....(where a girl could jump the bar, pour her own beer and feel up the barman...Tista, I miss you still).
But I digress......
The postman delivered my letters and parcels. If I didn't see him I would love to come home and find letters from loved ones on the front table in the house in my London abode and would relish opening them from anyone.
How different it is now, I can Skype, facebook, yahoo, hotmail, outlook, gmail, WhatsApp, Viber, WeChat and god knows what else I can do (anyone under the age of something could tell me more).
I cannot begin to tell you how much I love the www and social media, using it for good and not evil is one of the best things EVER!
Just recently I sold my house and all over the www, even heard the auction via facebook call, in the past that was unheard of.....now we can do anything in moments notice.
We are global citizens and anyone and everything is only a moment away.
Lesson for today kids: don't let miles stop you from anything!